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South Coogee Public School

South Coogee Public School

Making learning visible

Telephone02 9349 4000

Parents and Citizens

The P&C meets from 7 pm till 8 pm on the Wednesday of week 3 and 7 of each term in the school Library. These meetings are a wonderful opportunity for our parents to hear of activities in and around the school from the Principal and P&C president as well as various P&C committee groups. These meetings provide the chance for our community to come together to share, hear and contribute to our students learning and environment.

The P&C operates the uniform shop, with committees co-ordinating fundraising and working bees. The P&C may also appoint special committees to undertake projects as the need arises. Funds raised through P&C fundraising activities are allocated by the P&C to meet various school needs, in consultation with the Principal.

ALL Parents can become a member of the P&C by coming to our meetings and paying a $1 joining fee.  A formally elected executive committee is elected at the AGM in each year.

To stay updated with P&C news visit the South Coogee Public School P&C Association website and join our South Coogee Public School P&C FACEBOOK group.

Class parents

The class parent is the liaison between the class teacher and parents for students in each class. Communication is mainly for the request for helpers or other general class updates.