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South Coogee Public School

South Coogee Public School

Making learning visible

Telephone02 9349 4000


Events and programs across the year aim to further broaden whole school knowledge and respect of Australia’s Indigenous cultures. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives, history and ways of learning are explored in classrooms from Kindergarten to Year 6.

We have a staff led group to support Aboriginal Education and teacher professional development. Some of the programs students are involved in include Reconciliation and NAIDOC Week learning activities, cultural performances, excursions to local areas of significance and participation in the Koori Art Expressions. Public speaking opportunities are given to our Stage 3 students through participation in the Yarn Up program and we annually nominate a student for the Deadly Kids Doing Well Awards.

Our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students all have Personalised Learning Pathways and they meet regularly as the Badu Crew to strengthen their connections with each other and contribute ideas to school projects. Currently they are in the planning stages for a bush tucker and native garden. We greatly value the involvement of our local community and Elders and we continue to build these connections to support all programs.