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South Coogee Public School

South Coogee Public School

Making learning visible

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Visible Learning

VISIBLE LEARNING is based on John Hattie’s 15 years of research – a synthesis of more than 1400+ meta-analyses – into what actually works best in schools to improve learning.

Hattie’s mantra; ‘Know thy Impact’, highlights the belief that educators must know what effect their teaching is having on their students’ results. He hopes for teachers to “explore different methods, collaborate with their peers and get ‘obsessed’ with results”.

At South Coogee, we pride ourselves in making learning visible. Learning intentions and success criteria are displayed in ‘learner friendly’ language to help our learners know ‘Where am I going?’, ‘How am I going?, and ‘Where to next?’. Our goal, as teachers, is to develop learners who can set goals, articulate what they are learning and know what their next learning steps are. Successful learners strive to use self-regulation strategies when assessing their own work, they ask questions and actively seek feedback.

As educators, we are continuously gathering, analysing, interpreting and using information about students’ progress and achievement to improve teaching and learning.

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