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South Coogee Public School

South Coogee Public School

Making learning visible

Telephone02 9349 4000

Learning Support


As part of the Learning and Support Team at South Coogee Public School, we implement a comprehensive framework that supports all students. This framework is an inclusive foundation that supports all aspects of learning. At South Coogee Public School, we strive to embed the following five principles:

1. Teaching and Learning

We have high expectations of our students and make appropriate adjustments to promote their independence.

2. Curriculum

We provide opportunities for all students to engage in meaningful learning, that supports engagement and participation as an active and valued member of the school and classroom.

3. Collaboration

We develop personalised learning plans and support plans in collaboration with all relevant stakeholders.

4. Accountability

We are informed teachers that understand our commitment to uphold the values of Disability Standards of Education.

5. Teaching quality

We encourage and support our teachers to develop their skills and knowledge to create a culture that is inclusive and upholds best practice.

What is the Learning Support Team?

Our Learning Support Team is a whole school planning and support mechanism. It is formed with the purpose of addressing the learning support needs of students through the coordination, development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of educational programs.

A prime function of our Learning Support Team is to ensure that the needs of all students in the school are being met using a three-tiered model of support addressing universal, targeted and intensive supports for students and teachers. Our team also employs a strong focus on systems (what we do to support adults), practices (what we do to support students), and data (to inform our decision making about systems and practices.)

A key feature of our Learning Support Team is the facilitation of collaborative planning between teachers, support staff, parents and students.