School assemblies are a fantastic opportunity to acknowledge student success, celebrate students’ talents and honour special events.
K-2 and 3-6 assemblies are held each fortnight and are hosted by a class. In addition, special assemblies are held throughout the year for events such as Student Leadership, ANZAC Day, Education Week, Sports Presentation, and end of Year Presentation Day.
At the end of the year, Presentation Day assemblies for each stage celebrate student’s progress and achievements throughout the year. Parents, family and friends are welcome to attend class and special assemblies.
South Coogee Public School values student achievement and acknowledges positive student engagement. As part of the Student Wellbeing Policy, we have a Merit Award Scheme. The scheme is cumulative and moves with the student through their time at SCPS.
- Students collect five Star Awards.
- Five Star Awards are traded for a Bronze Award.
- Three Bronze Awards are traded for a Silver Award
- Three Silver Awards are traded for a Gold Award.
On receiving three Gold Awards, students are presented with a Medallion. Merit Awards are also presented during fortnightly assemblies and are equivalent to one Bronze Award.