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South Coogee Public School

South Coogee Public School

Making learning visible

Telephone02 9349 4000

Reading Support Programs

Reading Recovery

Reading Recovery is a research-based intervention with the prime goals of accelerating literacy learning and reducing reading and writing difficulties.

Reading Recovery implementation is systematic and comprehensive.  It encompasses professional development for teachers, a network of professional support for teachers and administrators, and a research and evaluation component to monitor program effectiveness and ensure accountability.

Reading Recovery:

  • identifies students experiencing reading and writing difficulties after their first year of school
  • provides an intensive, individually designed and individually delivered series of lessons for 30 minutes each day
  • is supplementary to the ongoing literacy activities in the classroom

By intervening in Year 1, the second year of school, Reading Recovery can prevent a cycle of failure for students at risk and, through intensive daily instruction, generally brings the lowest literacy performers up to average classroom levels within as short a time as possible.

Reading Recovery’s goal is for students to fully participate in classroom activities with their average peers.

Therefore, Reading Recovery is not a remedial reading program. Rather, it is based on early identification to prevent reading failure occurring.

The program is most successful when the Reading Recovery teacher, the classroom teacher and parents work together.

For further information, visit Reading Recovery NSW.


MultiLit (“Making Up Lost Time In Literacy”) is a literacy instruction program for low progress readers. This program provides one-to-one individual instructional support in reading and related skills. Students undertaking the MultiLit receive intensive, systematic and direct instruction in three key areas of effective literacy instruction – word attack skills, or phonics; sight words; and supported text reading. This program comprises the essential building blocks of literacy, and students can undertake a program of reading instruction tailored to their instructional level in just 40 minutes a day.

Reinforced Reading

Our MULTILIT Program for low-progress readers in Years 2 – 6, is supported by the volunteer Reinforced Reading Program. Using the Pause Prompt and Praise method these sessions allow students to practise the Word Attack Skills they learn in their MULTILIT Sessions while also addressing fluency, comprehension and generalising sight word knowledge. All our reading volunteers are trained in a two-hour session before they commence supporting the students.

Volunteers for these programs can offer their time from as little as 30 minutes a week. All help is appreciated.

Contact the school or your classroom teacher for further information.

Being Excited About Reading

This program is aimed at students in Year 1 who are reading at a low level. All volunteers are provided with a two-hour training in the delivery of the BEAR Program which is based on the principles of the Reading Recovery Program. Students will be allocated a tutor(s) and have a minimum of three sessions a week. Students continue on this program for approximately a term with research showing readers experience significant growth in reading skills and confidence with this type of support.