South Coogee Public School

Making learning visible

Telephone02 9349 4000

About us

South Coogee Public School provides a nurturing and welcoming environment for students from diverse cultural and socio-economic communities, accommodating 22 classes. The school population is consists of 34% of students from language backgrounds other than English, 10% of students come from Australian Defence Force families (supported by a part time Defence School Mentor) and 5% identify as Indigenous Australians.

The school has an active focus on Visible Learning practices in a restorative and resilient school environment. Researched based practices support teacher and student clarity for effective learning. All learners and teachers understand ‘Visible’ as learners who apply effective habits of thinking and doing, can explain and understand progress, as well as understand how to learn and regularly seek, receive, give and act on feedback.

There are high expectations for sporting endeavours, the performing arts and the provision of extracurricular programs. There are also provision of programs for gifted and talented students, combined with learning support assistance that ensures individual student learning needs are met.


Majestic memories as SOUTH COOGEE PUBLIC SCHOOL students write their way into history

Jaime G & Eva Mc from South Coogee Public School were excited to meet Her Majesty the Queen as she attended a groundbreaking writing workshop at Green Square Library on Tuesday 22 October.

The writing workshop, which brought together aspiring young writers from Years 5 to 8, featured a diverse line-up of renowned authors who served as facilitators and mentors for the participating students.

Her Majesty The Queen visited the workshop as part of the current Royal tour – the first since King Charles was crowned - and chatted with students, teachers and the authors about the craft of writing.

“I was so excited about having a one-on-one conversation with the Queen as well as having thew opportunity to ask well-known authors questions about their books, it was really cool”. Jaime

“It was pretty cool to have the royal, Queen Camilla there. I enjoyed learning how to officially address the Queen. I also like being about the talk to other people with the same interests as me about writing.” Eva

The visit provided a rare opportunity for students to engage with the monarch as she observed the innovative approaches being taken in NSW public schools in high potential and gifted education.

The Green Square Library writing workshop highlighted the work NSW public schools are doing to nurture talented young learners across the four areas of potential: intellectual, creative, social-emotional and physical.

It is part of a broader commitment by the NSW Government to increase educational opportunities for high potential and gifted students (HPGE) and to have HPGE offerings for students in all schools by 2026.

“This workshop was a wonderful demonstration of the steps our schools are taking to ensure gifted and talented students have the resources, teacher expertise and support they need to thrive,” said Department of Education Secretary Murat Dizdar.

Students from primary and high schools engaged for most of the day with four published authors: Will Kostakis, Kylie Captain, Sue Murray and Yvette Poshoglian.

They facilitated groups of students to explore the concept of "Community" through writing.

The four authors were then joined by other published authors including Matt Cosgrove, Roslyn McFarland, Apsara Baldovino and the Australian Children’s Laureate Sally Rippin for a panel where students could ask them about being a writer and their inspirations.

Her Majesty also presented certificates to students who participated in The Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition.

From the department

Back to school webinar for parents and carers

COVID-19 update South Coogee Public School

Visible Learning

Our school is committed to the Visible Learning principles guided by the research of John Hattie. At South Coogee Public School we want to have the biggest influence on learning. Therefore, our focus is on the strategies that have been proven to have the strongest impact on learning.

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Our programs

All classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards and computers with an increasing emphasis on Technology for Learning. There are high expectations for sporting endeavours, the performing arts and the provision of extracurricular programs.

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